
What's up with this page?

This is a place where you can donate to some of the projects I'm working on in Haiti.  Some people requested this service so I thought it best to put it up there.  And Viola!

What are you working on in Haiti?

I'm trying to help the sisters with the reconstruction of their orphanages and schools.  The 14 Salesian Convents in Haiti teach over 18,000 children.  About 30% of these children are orphans and the sister's try to take in as many as possible.  The sisters also share their resources with other schools which creates a Haitian learning network.  On top of getting an education, all of the children are given at least 1 hot meal a day, in some cases their only meal.  This may be the ONLY opportunity these children get in their life to step out of their environment and take control of their own destiny.

Where would my money go?

95% of your money is going to go directly to the sisters and the rebuilding here in Haiti.  5% of the money goes toward my organization VIDES.  I'm doing it this way rather than 100% to the mission because VIDES does a lot of good all over the world by sending and training volunteers but that takes money too.  Sr. Gloria (the director) is a nun and her pay (food and lodging) is covered by the church.  The rest will go toward orientation, the Asherton camp, and her assistant (because this lady needs one).

The other 95% of your money is going toward the rebuilding here in Haiti.  No I don't expect to raise the funding to put in a new building.  However, your money will go toward school supplies, tables, chairs, chalk boards, other essential educational equipment, and the salaries of teachers.

I'm in but how can I HELP?

Currently I'm accepting: money, prayers and other volunteers.

Donate Money:

NOTE: If you want your money to go to Haiti you must make a not of this on your donation (on the check or within paypal), otherwise it goes 100% to VIDES, which isn't a bad thing either.

Payments VIA Check:

              Mail check to VIDES+USA
              S Mary Gloria Mar, FMA

              2109 East Second Street
              Austin, TX 78702

Payments VIA Pay Pall:

Again, please remember to mention Haiti when filling out your donation. 

Donate Prayer:

Please direct all prayers to GOD or JESUS.  Subject Haiti.  To be more specific Eric Large's Projects or Petion Ville Haiti.  

Become a Volunteer:

For a long term commitment please contact VIDES at or find another long term program.

If you'd like to come down and see what Haiti is like, I'll happily accept visitors, but please contact me so we can talk about what the best time is.  Right now I'm not savvy enough to show you Haiti but in a few months I'll be more than willing to have you down.

Thank you all so much!